admin 发表于 2024-1-20 00:35:07


On January 19, 2024, Wang Hai, a well-known Chinese anti-counterfeiting activist, posted a Weibo post accusing the popular live streamer Xiao Yang Ge of selling counterfeit Wuchang rice. Wang Hai alleged that Xiao Yang Ge had sold 900,000 units of counterfeit Wuchang rice, which is a premium variety of rice from the Wuchang region of China.


Wang Hai said that he had sent samples of Xiao Yang Ge's Wuchang rice to a laboratory for testing. The results showed that the rice was only 71.16% genetically similar to real Wuchang rice. This means that the rice was likely a mix of other varieties of rice, or even a completely different grain altogether.

Xiao Yang Ge has denied the allegations, claiming that his Wuchang rice is genuine. He has said that he will cooperate with the authorities to investigate the matter.

The case has sparked a debate in China about the authenticity of products sold by live streamers. Live streaming is a popular way for consumers to buy goods in China, and there have been a number of cases of counterfeit products being sold on live streaming platforms.

The case is also being closely watched by the Chinese government, which is cracking down on counterfeiting. The government has said that it will punish those who sell counterfeit products, regardless of their status or popularity.

**Here are some additional details about the incident:**

* Wang Hai is a well-known figure in China for his work in exposing counterfeit products. He has been involved in a number of high-profile cases, including the 2011 "gutter oil" scandal.
* Xiao Yang Ge is a popular live-streamer with over 200 million followers. He is known for his comedic videos and his ability to sell products quickly.
* The rice that Xiao Yang Ge was selling was advertised as "Wuchang rice," which is a type of rice that is grown in the Wuchang region of China. Wuchang rice is known for its high quality and its long grain.

**I hope this information is helpful and informative. Please let me know if you have any other questions.**


2024年1月19日,中国知名打假维权人士王海发布微博,指责人气直播主播小杨哥销售假冒五常大米。 王海指控,小杨哥销售了90万单位假冒五常大米,该大米是来自中国五常地区的优质大米。

王海称,他已将小杨歌的五常大米样品送到实验室进行检测。 结果显示,该大米与真正的五常大米的基因相似度仅为71.16%。 这意味着大米很可能是其他品种大米的混合物,甚至是完全不同的谷物。

小杨歌否认了这些指控,声称他的五常大米是正品。 他表示将配合当局调查此事。

此案在中国引发了关于直播主销售产品真伪的争论。 直播是中国消费者购买商品的一种流行方式,直播平台上出现了多起售假案件。

此案也受到正在严厉打击假货的中国政府的密切关注。 政府表示,无论其地位或受欢迎程度如何,都会惩罚销售假冒产品的人。


* 王海是中国知名人士,因揭露假冒产品而闻名。 他曾卷入多起备受瞩目的案件,包括2011年的“地沟油”丑闻。
* 小央哥是一位拥有超过 2 亿粉丝的热门直播主。 他以其喜剧视频和快速销售产品的能力而闻名。
* 小杨哥销售的大米在广告中被称为“五常大米”,这是一种在中国五常地区种植的大米。 五常大米以其品质优良、粒长而闻名。

**我希望这些信息对您有所帮助且内容丰富。 如果您有任何其他问题,请告诉我。**
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