admin 发表于 2024-1-9 02:00:38

张雪峰被起诉 法院已受理

**Zhang Xuefeng Sued and Case Accepted by the Court**


In December 2023, Chinese education influencer Zhang Xuefeng made a controversial statement during a live stream, saying that "all liberal arts majors are in the service industry." This statement was met with widespread criticism, including from a blogger named "Gu Yanyou" who filed a lawsuit against Zhang in January 2024.

**The Case**

Gu Yanyou, who has over 600,000 followers on social media, claimed that Zhang's statement was a "deliberate insult" to liberal arts students. He also argued that Zhang's statement had contributed to the negative stereotypes about liberal arts majors in China.

Gu Yanyou's lawsuit seeks three remedies:

* An apology from Zhang Xuefeng in a major newspaper
* One yuan in compensation for emotional distress
* Court costs

**The Court's Decision**

On January 8, 2024, the Suzhou Tiger Hill District People's Court accepted Gu Yanyou's lawsuit. The case is still ongoing, and a trial date has not yet been set.


The case of Zhang Xuefeng v. Gu Yanyou is significant because it raises important questions about the role of freedom of speech in China. Zhang's supporters argue that his statement was simply an expression of his opinion, and that he should not be punished for it. However, Gu Yanyou and his supporters argue that Zhang's statement was harmful and discriminatory, and that it should be protected from the law.

The outcome of this case could have a significant impact on the freedom of speech in China. If Zhang is found liable, it could set a precedent for future lawsuits against people who make offensive or discriminatory statements.



2023年12月,中国教育网红张雪峰在直播中发表了颇具争议的言论,称“文科专业都是服务业”。 这一声明遭到了广泛的批评,其中包括一位名叫“谷彦友”的博主,他于 2024 年 1 月对张提起诉讼。


在社交媒体上拥有超过60万粉丝的顾彦友声称,张的言论是对文科学生的“故意侮辱”。 他还认为,张的言论加剧了中国对文科专业的负面刻板印象。


* 张雪峰在各大报纸上发表的道歉声明
* 精神损害赔偿1元
* 法庭费用


2024年1月8日,苏州虎丘区人民法院受理了顾彦友的诉讼。 该案仍在审理中,审判日期尚未确定。


张雪峰诉谷彦友案意义重大,因为它提出了有关言论自由在中国的作用的重要问题。 张的支持者认为,他的言论只是表达了他的观点,他不应该因此受到惩罚。 然而,顾彦友及其支持者认为,张的言论是有害的和歧视性的,应该受到法律的保护。

此案的结果可能对中国的言论自由产生重大影响。 如果张被判负有责任,这可能为未来针对发表攻击性或歧视性言论的人提起诉讼奠定先例。
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